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Chord Electronics

Chord Hugo M Scaler

Regular price $6,790.00
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Standalone 1M-tap digital upscaling device

Using technology first seen in the flagship BLU MKII digital/CD transport, the Hugo M Scaler is a standalone upscaling device containing the world’s most advanced digital filter. When used with a dual-BNC-input Chord Electronics DAC, it is capable of redefining digital audio sound quality.




The Hugo M Scaler is a highly advanced standalone upscaler capable of redefining sound quality from digital audio. It uses Rob Watts’ (our Digital Design Consultant’s) unique filter technology, the most advanced in the world, to upscale standard 44.1kHz digital audio up to 705.6kHz (16x CD’s 44.1kHz native resolution), ready to be passed to a suitable DAC; Hugo M Scaler extends its upscaling performance to 768kHz (from 96kHz input data) for our dual-BNC-input DACs: Qutest, Hugo 2, Hugo TT 2 and DAVE.

The Hugo M Scaler brings the unrivalled advantages of our ground-breaking FPGA-based WTA (Watts Transient Alignment) filtering technology to digitally connected audio devices, dramatically improving sound quality. Although optimised for use with selected Chord Electronics DACs (for the maximum 768kHz upscaling/decoding benefit), the Hugo M Scaler can be used with other DACs with suitable inputs, subject to their decoding capability.

The Hugo M Scaler’s compact form factor aligns with the TT (Table Top) series and has been designed to be stackable with other units in the range, including the TToby stereo power amp and the Hugo TT 2, to form a highly advanced yet space-saving system. In line with other models in the Hugo and Hugo TT series, the device features a number of illuminable fascia-mounted spherical controls, governing input selection, output sample rate and video mode for lower latency. The control spheres display data visually including input source and the incoming sample rate, using a polychromatic scale.

When partnered with either of Chord Electronics’ 768kHz-capable dual-BNC-input DACs, the Hugo M Scaler sets an astonishing technical benchmark for digital audio performance at it price point, redefining sound quality from digital audio.



  • Chord Custom Coded FPGA
  • 1,015,808 Taps
  • Upsampling to 768kHz
  • USB Input
  • 2x BNC S/PDIF Input
  • Optical Input
  • Dual Data Mode BNC O/P
  • BNC S/PDIF Output
  • Optical Output
  • Solid Aluminum Chassis
  • Convection Cooled
  • IR Remote Control Included
  • Roon tested



Chord Hugo TT2 & M Scaler

"If listening to the Hugo TT 2 sounds like engaging overdrive compared to even Chord’s earlier overachieving DACs, the addition of the M Scaler must be the audio equivalent of finding the supercharger" - HIFICRITIC


For me the Chord M Scaler was a digital revelation

"Such a comparison is ‘interesting’ rather than definitive. But it does suggest that normal digital (PCM) can sound pretty damn impressive when well processed. For me all this was a digital revelation. M Scaler brings both the subject and the music into focus. I hope we get to hear more on all this very soon as it comes onto the open market" -  Noel Keywood


Chord Hugo M Scaler

"Reviewed with the Hugo TT 2 DAC the Hugo M Scaler is a game-changer, this formidable pairing will hold its own against any top end system it’s pitted against. Be warned though, it is incredibly difficult to go back to a life of listening to music without M Scaler, so I advise auditioning it with Hugo TT 2 only if you are prepared for the inevitability of both units coming home with you." -  Richard Barclay

Chord Hugo M Scaler + Hugo TT 2

"D/A převodník a sluchátkový zesilovač (a vlastně i předzesilovač) Chord Hugo TT 2 je skvělým příkladem high-endového výrobku, který má na srdci hlavně hubu jako takovou a všechny technické rafinovanosti a všechna ta originální řešení jsou mu k tomu prostředkem a ne prioritní exhibicí technologických možností. Je to univerzální přístroj, který možná není technicky striktně neutrální, ale dokáže hudbu předat tak, že z ní máte pocit přirozenosti a živosti v míře vrchovaté. Pokud mu ale předřadíte drahý Hugo M Scaler, který vlastně jen "učeše" procházející digitální signál, tak se dostaví efekt spadlé čelisti - ač vliv Hugo M Scaler není na každé nahrávce stoprocentně pozitivní, tak ono uhlazení a digitální profiltrování přináší neočekávané uklidnění, přináší zřetelně lepší čitelnost, organizaci i rozlišení, přináší prostě takovou tu třešničku na dortu, která už tak velmi dobrý Hugo TT 2 katapultuje mezi vysloveně vynikající komponenty. Kdo by tak byl skeptikem, že pouhé přepracování digitálního signálu může mít smysluplný vliv na hudební zážitek, právě tahle kombinace převodníku s předřazeným scalerem má potenciál během okamžiku přesvědčit o opaku." -  Daniel Březina


Chord Electronics Hugo TT 2 DAC/M Scaler upscaler

"The Hugo TT 2 and Hugo M Scaler fit together like a sonic hand in a glove; once you hear them together, you won’t ever want for them to be apart. While Chord Electronics’ DAVE may be in a class of its own as a standalone headphone amp/DAC, the combination of the Hugo TT 2 and the Hugo M Scaler actually costs less than the DAVE and may actually offer better all around performance, which is saying a mouthful." - Chris Martens


Chord Hugo TT 2 mit Chord M Scaler 

"Chord ist mit dem Hugo TT 2 ein ungemein vielseitiger und klanglich großartiger DAC mit Vor- und Kopfhörerverstärker gelungen. Mit dem M Scaler gibt es ein Upgrade, das aus dem brillanten Hugo TT 2 einen absoluten Weltklasse-Wandler macht." - ROLAND DIETL


Chord Electronics Hugo M Scaler upsampling digital processor

"As David Rich, then with The Audio Critic, wrote in the 1990s, "in the next century, all audiophiles will be listening to will be different digital filters." Chord's Hugo M Scaler illustrates Dr. Rich's point: It replaces the various reconstruction filters used in other manufacturers' DACs with Rob Watts's enormously long WTA filter. That filter does sound superb, and, as a bonus—in addition to upgrading the sounds of older DACs—the M Scaler adds a USB input with Roon compatibility to DACs that don't have one, like my Levinson. At $4795, the M Scaler is relatively expensive; I recommend you audition the M Scaler with your own DAC before getting out the credit card. But "[improve] the recreation of the original music signal," as Chord claims, the M Scaler definitely did, with all three D/A processors I tried." - John Atkinson  


Chord Electronics Hugo TT2 & Hugo M Scaler Review

"As you can tell I really love the Chord Electronics Hugo TT2 and Hugo M Scaler combination and it is so good that I really am going to miss what this duo has done to my music collection. This is my first review in a few years and Chord Electronics has most certainly reignited my passion for HiFi which faded for a little while but is back with vengeance. The Hugo TT2 on its own is a stunning performer but with the M Scaler connected its turned a good DAC into a weapons grade one capable of mass destruction of your musical senses. I was going to award this duo with a Reference award as I have owned many reference systems and this is certainly that but because I would love to have these installed in my own system I have to award them with the Editors Choice award because they are that good together" -  The Speaker Shacks


Chord Electronics Hugo TT 2 DAC/Preamp/Headphone and Hugo M Scaler Amp

"The Hugo M Scaler makes substantial, across-the-board improvements to almost every qualitative aspect of the sound." -  Chris Martens




Tap-length filter 1,015,808 (16FS filter)
Connectivity (input) 1x Galvanically isolated Type-B USB, 2x Coax BNC and 2x Optical
Connectivity (output) 1x Galvanically isolated dual BNC (enables upscaling to the maximum 768kHz), 1x BNC S/PDIF and 1x Optical
PCM support 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz, 176.4kHz, 192kHz, 352.8kHz, 384kHz, 717.6kHz, and 768kHz. 16 – 32bit
Driver support Driverless with Mac OS X and Linux, driver required for Windows OS
Additional features The most advanced digital filter in the world
Adjustable sample rate output (with pass-thru mode)
Video mode (for lower latency)
Auto video and source selection
‘DX’ controls for a future product design
FPGA Xilinx XC7A200T
Filter tap length 1,015,808 WTA taps
Power consumption Full power – 30 W, Standby – 10 W
Weight 2.55kg
Dimensions 4cm (H) 23.5cm (W) 23.8cm (D)