T+A DAC 200 D/A Converter

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DAC 200

D/A Converter

The DAC 200

The DAC 200 is the latest member of an extended family of High-End converters and pre-amplifiers. Every aspect of its design symbolises our uncompromising commitment to science and music. The ability to reproduce DSD 1024 files and its complete galvanic separation are just two highlights which underline the potential of the DAC 200 in impressive style. The DAC 200 is designed to convert a large number of digital formats into natural-sounding analogue signals, and to pass them on via the integral headphone or analogue outputs.

De-Jitter Masterclock

Our belief in totally pure music required an enormous effort on our part to eliminate the most minuscule of interfering influences. The T+A De-Jitter Masterclock was developed with the goal of freeing all T+A DACs from such interference signals, and in particular those which result from the use of computers. This type of interference - known as jitter - is caused by minimal timing errors, which still manage to exert a harmful influence on the sound experience unless they are removed before the conversion into analogue signals.
The De-Jitter Masterclock was developed here in Herford, and constitutes a consistent audiophile response to jitter: in a multi-stage process the incoming signals are examined, and even the largest of jitter artefacts are removed. In the first stage the incoming signal delivers a raw clock pulse which is analysed very closely by micro-processors: the signal is then switched to the Masterclock - but only if its frequency and stability fulfil strict minimum criteria. If those criteria are not met, the signals are cleaned again through a further PLL stage in a specially constructed second jitterbug; this process reduces the residual jitter by a factor of 4.
Signals which fulfil the purity requirements are de-coupled completely from the input jitter by switching to the Masterclock. The incoming signals are further processed by precision oscillators with the best available femto-clock accuracy. Each oscillator is reserved for a single clock family; the Masterclock covers both the odd 44.1 kHz to 705,6 kHz clock as well as the even 48 kHz to 768 kHz clock.

Path Separation Technology

We believe in reproducing music in its purest form. And that is why we make every effort right at the development stage to eliminate even the most insignificant of interference factors, regardless of how minimal they are. Joint processing of PCM and DSD files in a single converter is just such a source of interference: supposedly insignificant, but in fact having a crucial influence on the sound. It was our insistence on eliminating this particular influence that caused us to develop the unique T+A Path Separation Technology: both PCM and DSD have their own converter, specifically tailored to their requirements. These converters exclude adverse sound influences as well as exploiting the potential of each format to the full. For PCM signals we use our quadruple converter, whereas DSD files are processed using the T+A True 1-bit converter, which is unique in the world.

Converters & Filters

Our T+A True 1-bit converter is unique, as it forms a break with a paradigm: conventional converters process DSD signals by converting them into PCM, and reproducing them using the PCM mode. But this conversion contradicts our principles, and caused us to develop the True 1-bit converter, which processes DSD files in their native form, without detrimental conversion processes, and reproduces them in totally pure form as genuine 1 Bit Stream.

Our PCM Quadruple Converter features a double symmetrical circuit design comprising the eight 32-bit Burr-Brown converters, thereby providing above-average compensation for non-linearities in the sound, and reduces the already minimal background noise by a further 6 dB. This sophistication results in amazing dynamism and linearity combined with an equally amazing freedom from distortion. Although we believe in unadulterated music reproduction, the Bezier filters - another in-house development - in the quadruple converter can be exploited by the listener to fine-tune the sound characteristics to his individual taste. The application of polynomials results in perfect timing behaviour for each of the six available filters, two of which are NOS stages.

Galvanic Separation DASS

The analogue sound quality is crucially determined by consistent separation between the digital and analogue sections. This separation, which we term the “Digital Analogue Separation System”, utilises ultra-fast digital isolators from Silicon Labs to provide galvanic separation between the analogue and digital sections. Since it is vital to maintain this separation through the entire signal chain, the mains sections for the analogue and digital signal paths are also completely separated galvanically.

Inputs, & Pre-amp & Outputs

No restrictions of any kind - this maxim was our guide in determining the DAC 200’s connections: its inputs are as universal as they are high in quality: the USB-B inputs are based on the new high-resolution Thesycon chip, which processes signals up to DSD 1024. AES/EBU and BNC are also present, as is SP/DIF in optical and coaxial forms. The T+A SYS Link completes the high-speed signal connection within the Series 200 via the SYS IN input. One analog input is installed as standard, but two stereo HDMI inputs are available as an option.

As a specialised pre-amplifier, the DAC 200 features a discreet Class A pre-amplifier section as well as double mono “State of the Art” outputstage, whilst also providing several outputs designed to cope with any requirement. Balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA outputs transfer the analogue signals to the output stages, while headphones are connected via a balanced 4.4mm Pentaconn headphone output, which draws its signal from a special high-performance headphone amplifier. In contrast to conventional chip solutions, this is of fully discreet construction, and is specially designed for the requirements of headphones. An HDMI output with Audio Return Channel (ARC) for HDMI signal pass-through is available on the optional HDMI board.


T+A DAC 200/A 200 DAC/Preamp & Power Amp - Read More

"While avoiding any lame jokes about 'German engineering', I'm bound to say there's a wonderful sense of synergy – and not just in build and style – between these two T+A components. The A 200 is a mature-sounding power amp with excellent driving ability, and a perfect partner for the DAC 200's refined, insightful and light-footed approach. Yes, there's no networking, but the Series 200 has this covered elsewhere…" - Mark Craven

Hifi and Music Source 11/2023 - Read More

"This DAC is an outstanding piece of equipment

It is quite hard to think how else T+A could have done any better here, this is such a strong performer, and the no-compromise quality is evident here. If this is your budget, buy only one DAC in your life, this could be it." - Simon Wilce

Fidelity 3/2023

"Sicher, als Komplettanlage bewegen wir uns mit der Serie 200 bereits im fünfstelligen Preisbereich; bedenkt man aber, dass wir es mit echten No-Nonsense-Geräten deutscher Ingenieurskunst zu tun haben, die sich ausschließlich gegenüber dem Eigenleben der zugespielten Musik verantwortlich zeigen, dann führt an der Serie 200 von T+A für all diejenigen kein Weg vorbei, die der Paarung von langjähriger Tradition und entwicklungsfreudiger Innovation mehr vertrauen als blumiger Esoterik. Was sagten Bert Brecht und Hanns Eisler doch über große musikalische Kunst: "Es ist das Einfache, das so schwer zu machen ist." In Herford ist dies T+A mit der Serie 200 zweifelsfrei gelungen."

Anadialog 3/2023 - Read More

" Digital to analog converters are in constant evolution. The new DAC 200 by the German audio brand T+A just started an audiophile revolution!" 

Review T+A 200-modellen - Read More

"Voor dat geld krijg je wel een spectaculair systeem met alle mogelijkheden die je maar kun wensen en een focus op pure geluidskwaliteit.."

Audiophile Style 9/2022 - Read More

"T+A has set the bar extremely high with the DAC 200. This DAC is one for the ages. It sounds fantastic, looks classic, functions seamlessly, is well supported, and is priced competitively. Based on my listening habits and experience with more DACs than I can remember, this would be my number one choice for a DAC anywhere near the DAC 200's price. Everything about the DAC 200 is just that good. Period." - The Computer Audiophile

Audio Poland 7/2022 - Read More

Audio 6/2022 - Read More

"DAC 200 - wunderbar geradlinig, hochauflösend, elegant
Preis/Leistung: überragend
Ja, es stimmt: für kleines Geld ist diese Kombi nicht zu haben. Aber diese Kraft, diese Feinheit, diese Eleganz, die Verarbeitung, das Design – da werden viele Fans auf dem Erdball sofort ihre Kreditkarte zücken. Wagen wir den Superlativ: Das ist die beste, kompakte Elektronik, der wir je lauschen durften. Der Haben-Wollen-Impuls ist nicht nur mächtig, sondern überbordend."

Hörerlebnis 4/2022 

"John Campbell macht einfach gute Musik. Und der DAC 200 versteht es wie kaum ein anderer, dem Hörer gute Musik in herausragend guter Art und Weise zu vermitteln.
Note 1, setzen!"

Hifi News 5/2022

"DAC 200 and A 200

Now a full quartet, T+A’s compact but beautifully formed Series 200 has expanded to
include a media player, DAC/preamp and Purifi Eigentakt Class D stereo power amp. While avoiding any lame jokes about ‘German engineering’, I’m bound to say there’s a wonderful sense of synergy – and not just in build and style – between these two T+A components. The A 200 is a mature-sounding power amp with excellent driving ability, and a perfect partner for the DAC 200’s refi ned, insightful and lightfooted approach. Yes, there’s no networking, but the Series 200 has this covered elsewhere."

Image Hifi 3-4/2022 - Read More

"Die T+A Serie 200 ist bei aller Neutralität und der hohen Auflösung so gekonnt abgestimmt, dass musikalischer Fluss und emotionaler Gehalt der Musik immer erhalten bleiben. Die Wiedergabe gerät stets packend und involvierend. Der Hörer wählt Titel auf Titel, Album auf Album aus und ist entzückt von jedem weiteren, bewegenden Hörerlebnis mit der rundum empfehlenswerten Serie 200. Nach dem Test fällt mir der Abschied schwer."

LowBeats 12/2021 - Read More

"Fazit – technische Genialität und höchste Musikalität vereint

Falls Sie zwischen den Zeilen meines Berichts eine gewisse Begeisterung wahrgenommen haben, liegen Sie absolut richtig. Ich LIEBE dieses Gespann. Der T+A DAC 200 und die Endstufe A 200 sind genau die Sorte von intelligentem High-End-HiFi, für die ich mir in den Achtzigerjahren die Nase am Schaufenster des HiFi-Händlers plattgedrückt hätte. Auch wenn Nasen-an-Schaufenster-drücken heute nicht mehr en vogue ist: Vielleicht trifft sich der heutige HiFi-Nachwuchs in 20, 30 Jahren ja mal im virtuellen Raum, um die coolsten HiFi-Geräte ihrer Jugend abzufeiern. Die T+A 200-Serie des Jahres 2021 ist dann höchstwahrscheinlich mit dabei.

Für diejenigen, die es sich hier und jetzt leisten können sei gesagt: Sie können Ihr Geld kaum besser in hochklassiges HiFi investieren. Sofern die sich stetig weiter entwickelnden Digitalstandards einem nicht unerwartet einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen, ist der DAC 200 eine sichere Bank auf viele Jahre – insbesondere auch für DSD-Fans. Der rein analoge aber ebenso hochmoderne Endverstärker A 200 sowieso. Und designtechnisch sind diese T+A-Schöpfungen schon jetzt zeitlose Klassiker. Komplettiert mit dem MP 200 Multi Player gehört dieses Midi-System unzweifelhaft zum Feinsten, was HiFi Made in Germany in dieser Preisklasse aktuell zu bieten hat."

Stereo 12/2021 - Read More

"Zweimal kompakt - einmal großartig

Vorstufe/DAC mit feinster Technik in beiden Abteilungen, vieles aus der HV-Serie; sehr gute Verarbeitung geht mit ausgezeichnetem Klang einher - und alles "Made in Germany". Sie sind anspruchsvoll, haben aber wenig Platz? Hier ist die Lösung."

Stereoplay 12/2021 - Read More

"Schätze der Akustik
Der kompakte Alleskönner und Allesverbinder zeigt glasklar in die Audio-Zukunft und vereint in sich alles, was man derzeit oder später brauchen könnte. Sowohl als DAC als auch als Vorverstärker ist T+As Neuentwicklung klanglich und technisch so unangreifbar gut, dass sich die Konkurrenz preisunabhängig warm anziehen muss."


Analogue section

Frequency response + 0 / − 3 dB 0,1 Hz – 200 kHz
Signal / noise ratio 110/114 dB
THD  /  Intermodulation < 0,001 % / < 0,001 %
Channel separation > 108 dB
Pre-amplifier outputs variable:
High level (RCA) 0...2,5 Veff / 22 Ohms, balanced (XLR) 0...5,0 Veff / 22 Ohms
High level (RCA) 2,5 Veff / 22 Ohms, balanced (XLR) 5,0 Veff / 22 Ohms
discreetly designed Class A-HV-output stage in Double-Mono-Circuitry
Volume control Gold contact relays controlled in 1 dB steps, - 90 dB to 0 dB
Headphone output Headphone output

Analogue inputs

High level (RCA)
250 mVeff ... 4,5 Veff / 10 kOhms

Digital inputs

1 x AES-EBU 32...192 kHz / 16-24 Bit
S/P-DIF: 2 x Standard Coax, 2 x optical TOS-Link 32...192 kHz / 16-24 Bit and DoP DSD64 (0x05/0xFA Marker)

1 x BNC 32...192 kHz / 16-24 Bit

2 x USB DAC: Device-Mode 44,1 ... 768 kSps (PCM) and up to DSD1024*,
supports asynchronous data transfer. *DSD 512 and DSD 1024 with Windows PC and appropriate driver installed or Linux PC with Kernel 4.4 or higher only.
Supports DoP up to DSD 256 (0x05/0xFA Marker).

2 x HDMI IN, 1 x HDMI OUT with ARC (as an option)

D/A converter section

Double-Differential-Quadruple-Converter with four 32-Bit Sigma-Delta
D/A converter per channel, 705,6 / 768 kSps conversion rate
T+A-True-1Bit DSD D/A converter, up to DSD 1024 (49,2 MHz), native bitstream
Upsampling T+A signal-processor – synchronous upsampling with four selectable oversampling algorithms. FIR short, FIR long, Bezier/IIR, Bezier, NOS (non-oversampling)
Analogue filter Phase-linear Bessel filter 3rd order, switchable with 60 or 120 kHz cut off frequency

Mains / Accessories / Dimensions

Main 200 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz, 30 Watts
Standby < 0,50 W
Accessories Remote control FM200, power cord, USB cable
Dimensions (W x H x D) 10 × 32 × 34 cm, 4 x 12.6 x 13.4 inch
6,2 kg, 13.7 lbs
Finishes Alu silver anodized (43), Alu schwarz anodized (42)

Technical modifi cations reserved