PDT 3100 HV
CD/SACD Transport

The Reference CD/SACD Transport
The PDT 3100 HV is a purist CD / SACD mechanism wich does not feature supplementary integral digital sources or converters. It has been developed uniquely and exclusively for the uncompromising task of reading SACD and CD, and is fitted with a new decoder / drive mechanism which we have developed from the ground up. This mechanism reads and decodes CD and SACD without error and to the very highest standards of quality. The mechanism is integrated into a heavy drive unit manufactured to rigidly high standards, designed to shield and isolate it completely. The mechanical system is extremely refined.

Optimized Speed Mechanism
The core of the PDT 3100 HV is the new, modern decoder / disc mechanism, which we have developed specifically for audio applications. It features the latest processors, lasers, high-performance motors and other components, all designed to provide the optimum conditions for perfect, error-free disc reading characteristics. This unit is fully shielded, and housed in a very substantial aluminium case machined from solid aluminium, designed to prevent any form of interaction between the moving parts of the mechanism and the remainder of the player. This entire disc mechanism block is mounted on just two close-tolerance linear bearings, which in turn are suspended from a thick carrier plate; the latter is fixed to the central case plate at only three points. This design ensures that the whole mechanism is completely isolated from the heavy external housing.
T+A PDT 3100 HV & T+A SDV 3100 HV Review - Read More
"T+A took a giant step forward with its „HV“ series. Now the SDV3100HV streaming DAC along with the SACD drive PDT3100HV want to catch up to the absolute best. Our exclusive test shows: they have what it takes!"
T+A PDT/SDV 3100 HV SACD Transport/DAC - Read More
"Towering in every sense, this T+A digital pairing is both a massive engineering achievement and a fabulously refined way to bring together the two worlds of physical media and file-based/streaming music. It's as future-proofed as you might hope for, and while not exactly red in tooth and claw, it transcends mere sonic fireworks by reproducing the most bombastic musical events with unmistakable style." - Andrew Everard
Theory + Application elektroakustik SDV 3100 HV DAC/Preamplifier and PDT 3100 HV CD/SACD Transport - Read More
"The SDV 3100 HV and PDT 3100 HV exemplify the astonishing transformation of the CD player into a highly sophisticated multi-format platform. In my view, there is no better way to exploit today’s vast array of options for accessing and enjoying digital music than via this T+A duo." - Robert Harley
Audio Video Polen 6/2020 - Read More
Nie mam zadnych watpliwosci, ze zestaw T+A składajacy sie z transportu CD/SACD PDT 3100 HV i przetwornika SDV 3100HV to jedno z najbardziej wszechstronnych i najnowoczesniejszych, ale i najlepiej brzmiacych zródeł cyfrowych, jakie mozna dzis kupic. Nie wyobrazam sobie, by mozna było nie docenic tego, z jak fantastycznym połaczeniem własciwie wszystkich pozadanych przez miłosników muzyki i audiofilów cech, mamy tu do czynienia. Mozna sie pokusic o stwierdzenie, ze ten dzielony odtwarzacz bardziej trafiw gusta osób preferujacych geste, niezwykle bogate i muzykalne brzmienie, ale nie da sie zaprzeczyc, ze dorzuca do tego znakomita rozdzielczosc, ze gra w czysty, uporzadkowany i bardzo energetyczny sposób. Czego mu wiec brakuje? Jak dla mnie – niczego!"
Image Hifi 3/2020 - Read More
"Hirn trifft Herz
Der Streamer-Wandler-Vorverstärker SDV 3100 HV hat bei jedem Musikliebhaber, der sich nur annähernd in einer solchen Preisklasse bewegen kann, einen Platz ganz weit oben auf der Favoritenliste verdient. Der gilt selbstverständlich auch für das PDT 3100 HV Referenz CD/SACD-Laufwerk, das mit seinem reinrassigen Audio-SACD-Laufwerk von Sony einen erstaunlichen Beitrag zur gemeinsamen Performance der T+A-Geräte leistet. Bei T+A funktioniert nicht nur die Theorie, sondern auch die Anwendung. Und wie!"
The Absolute Sound 3/2020 Editor´s Choice
"This stunning piece of mechanical and electrical engineering will most likely be partnered with T+A’s SDV 3100 HV DAC. But with every type of digital output on its rear panel, the PDT will work with any DAC. The custom CD/SACD transport is built around a massive, high-precision, all-metal disc mechanism designed and built by T+A (as is the control circuitry and software). Touch the front panel’s “open” button and the tray silently glides out. This is by far the smoothest and quietest transport RH has encountered. When it is connected by a proprietary link to T+A’s SDV 3100HV, the sound quality from CD and, especially, SACD is spectacularly great. The PDT 3100 HV is a joy to use, built beautifully, and sounds terrific."
The Absolute Sound 1/2020
"The pinnacle
Beautifully built, highly capable, feature-laden, and a joy to use, T+A’s SDV 3100 HV DAC and PDT 3100 HV CD/SACD transport are at the pinnacle of digital’s ascent from the early CD players to today’s highly sophisticated machines. The vast array of formats accessible by the SDV, coupled with the superb user interface, opens up a vista of musical discoveries. The SDV 3100 HV and PDT 3100 HV exemplify the astonishing transformation of the CD player into a highly sophisticated multi-format platform. In my view, there is no better way to exploit today’s vast array of options for accessing and enjoying digital music than via this T+A duo."
Stereoplay 10/2019 - Read More
"Der Perfektion verpflichtet
Monumentales CD-/SACD-Laufwerk, das den Besitzer überdauern dürfte: Die wohl massivste Laufwerksschublade der HiFi-Geschichte kombiniert mit absoluter High End-Elektronik plus Spezial HD-Schnittstelle ergibt schlicht das beste CD-/SACD-Laufwerk der Welt."
Stereo 6/2019 - Read More
"Vorstoß zur Weltspitze
Ein CD/SACD-Laufwerk wie der sprichwörtliche Fels in der Bandung. Der wortwörtliche aus dem Vollen gefertigte Drive besticht mit Präzision und Ruhe, die sich in einem bestechend aufgeräumten, übersichtlichen und dreidimensionalen Klangbild mit extremer Auflösung, aber vollkommen unangestrengter Leichtigkeit und Souveränität äußern. In Verbindung mit dem SDV 3100 HV profitiert die Wiedergabe von der proprietären IPA-Link-Verbindung, die auch SACD-Daten überträgt."
Mechanism |
Principle | High precision linear tracking drive Double-Lasersystem: SACD: 650 nm CD: 785 nm Double-GaAlAs-Lasersystem |
Formats | CD, CD-R, CD/RW, SACD Stereo, SACD/CD Text |
Frequency range and dynamics | CD: 2 Hz – 20 kHz / 100 dB SACD: 2 Hz – 44 kHz / 110 dB |
Connections |
Digital outputs AES | 1 x AES-EBU 32...192 kHz / 16-24 Bit |
Mains / Accessories / Dimensions |
Mains | 110-120 V oder 220-240 V, 50-60 Hz, 40 W |
Power consumption in operation | 40 Watts |
Standby | < 0,5 W |
Accessories | Power cord Remote control F 3100 CD stabilizer IPA-Bus Kabel |
Optional Accessories | Power Three HD (Carbon) | Power Bar | Audio Triax (Carbon) | HV-Individual finish (Individual colours on request) |
Dimensions (W x H x D)/Weight | 17 x 46 x 46 cm / 29 kg |
Finishes | Case: silver laquer 47 or titanium laquer 64 |
Technical modifications reserved |