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Viva Audio

ViVa Audio Linea Pre Amplifiers

Regular price $46,751.00
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Linea Pre Amplifier

Linea is Viva’s finest stereo line preamplifier with an external power supply unit.

Linea represents our quest for excellence in selecting and delivering signal from the source to the power amplifiers, while providing for volume level control. It offers musical enjoyment through refined dynamics and ultra low distortion. 


Linea comes in a virtually unlimited array of colors. You can personalize your Linea to match your interior.

Through our local offices and dealers, we offer the option of helping you set up and connect your Viva Audio equipment in order to ensure the best performance results.

Delivering exceptional sound dynamics

Linea is a unique product due to its extremely short signal path, with only one active stage maintained in the simplest topology. It is built with carefully selected parts and a state-of-the-art output transformer.

Linea has a robust external power supply for delivering unconstrained sound dynamics and impact. At both micro- and macro-levels, dynamic shadings and headroom are limitless. The deep, tight and accurate bass is complemented by the transparent and liquid mid-range frequencies, with the sense of openness and lack of compression in the upper frequencies.

To address the need for separate subwoofers or auxiliary components, Linea provides a secondary output with a preset level. Linea offers buffered output with the level control, ready for bi-amplification. The chassis is made of solid aluminum for best magnetic neutrality and resonance control.

 “Linea is Viva’s finest stereo line preamplifier.” 


Dimensions w×h×d
410×185×410 mm
Weight 14 kg
Tube Complement 2×6C45P; 2×6N1Pi;
Dimensions w×h×d
410×210×410 mm


Tube Complement

2×12AX7LPS; 2×6C45P;


Weight 15 kg
Tube Complement 2×2A3

Stereo line preamplifier
Triode tubes